Wednesday, November 12, 2014

"Philologus Pfeil"

The Word for today:
Romans 16:17-27
Each of us is besieged by a certain sin more than we are by other sins. For example, I am assailed by pride (the sin God hates the most) more than I am by covetousness, the sin that seems to have been the Apostle Paul's major nemesis. (1)
I am convinced that I have sins that aren't even named in the Bible--or even in the dictionary! But covetousness isn't usually among them.
No offense, but I don't want your wife, your kids, your car, your house, your bankbook, your dog, or your zip code.
I don't want your youth or your accomplishments. Been there, done that.
But I do covet what Philologus has. Which might lead you to wonder who Philologus is.
Q. I do. Who is Philologus?
A. Philologus is mentioned only once in scripture, right here:
Give my greetings to Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and to Olympas and all the other believers who are with them. (Romans 16:15)
Q. What's there to covet? All that's given is his name.
A. That's it!
Q. That's what?
A. That's what I covet! His name!
Q. His name?
I would like to be known as "Philologus," which comes from "Philos Logos," which means "Lover of the Word." Father forgive me, but I covet that name!
In the book of Revelation we're promised the most delightful memento--a white stone which bears a new name:
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it. (Revelation 2:17)
It is not clear whether the name will refer to Jesus or to the person given the stone. But if it's a new name for me, I'm requesting that it be "Philologus," because "Lover of the Word" is the way I want to be known.
I don't care what they put on my gravestone. But if I could suggest to Jesus what my white stone might say, I think "Philologus Pfeil" sounds just right!
What about you? What would you like your name to be associated with? Kindness? Loyalty? Encouragement? Selflessness?
Whatever it is, set your sights on it and just keep being "it" until it becomes who you are and how you're known.
"It" just might find its way all the way to your white stone--unless, of course, Jesus has something better in mind!
(1) see Romans 7:7-8

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